Friday, July 11, 2008

The end of an era ....

Mason is almost 10 months (around the 19th of this month) and has pretty much stopped nursing. I never thought I would have grown so attached to nursing him. When I first became pregnant, I knew I wanted to nurse but had decided that I wasn't going to be "hard core" about the process. I told myself that I was going to do my best to keep it up and wasn't going to give up when encountering all the associated discomforts (cracked nerples, mastitis, clogged ducts, leakage, tenderness, and the list goes on and on and on and on ...). I know many people have various opinions about nursing how's, what's, where's, etc .... but after going through the process with Mason, I say BE PROUD SISTA' for all the nursing moms out there! It is harder than one things to put a boob in a baby's mouth; people just don't understand the dedication it takes unless one goes through it, tries to go through it, or is very closely associated with the process (sorry dads, closer than trying to get a squirt in your coffee).  

In actuality, nursing was a time during each day that Mason and I bonded, kanoodeled and were 
totally about each other and no one else. Although I am sad for this time to end, it doesn't feel as traumatic as I thought it would be. Over the last month or so, Bubas has gradually decreased the number of times he nurses each day down to one. Thankfully for me, he didn't go "cold turkey" like some other babies I know of. I am very grateful for the 10 months we were able to continue the nursing regime and am thankful that I was able to experience the closeness and bonding associated with nursing my baby. 

Ok, enough of the boob talk ... I am sure half the guys reading this have already puked in the garbage can .....

On another note, Mason is SOOO close to crawling. He is still scooting backwards, but is now up on all fours and is rocking back and forth. I anticipate him beginning any day now. I guess it is time to think about baby-proofing the house!

Although Mason has symptoms of teething, he has yet to cut any actual teeth. My family is full of late teethers, so I pretty much have expected that Mason will sprout teeth late, too. Actually, he is a late bird on pretty much everything ... rolling over, crawling, teething, holding his own bottle, self feeding ... he is just a lazy kid, what can I say?!? Well, lazy or not he is my little Bubas and I LOOOOOVVVVEEE him sooooooo much!

We had a nice 4th this year, with the exception of Mason's choking incident. Bubas choked on a piece of watermelon and scared the shit out of me! I was able to dislodge the food and thankfully, he recovered soon and was back to finishing his scrumptious meal (he only choked
 for approximately 5 seconds). The incident re-affirmed my desire to take a child/infant CPR and First Aid class. The rest of the night ended well; Mason was in bed before the fireworks show started and he snored through the whole thing. Being in Orangevale, a couple of our neighbors were setting of HUGE boomer illegal fireworks. You would have though World War III was starting ... did Bubas wake up??? nope! 

Well, as always, I hope this finds each of you doing well! I have posted video and a few pictures from the past couple of weeks. Enjoy!

The pictures above are of 1) Mason with wild-man hair; 2) Ian and Michelle helping give Mason and bath; and 3) of Grandmie Marge playing with Connor ....

Jenn, Tim, Mason, and the animals ......

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