Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 2008

November is here and the turkey dinner is near ... Mason has been developing in leaps and bounds ... he is not walking on his own yet, but thoroughly enjoys taking mommy and any other willing participant for a stroll around the living room. 

I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but Mason's eye color changed from blue to hazel back when he was around 10 months old. I wish his eyes stayed  blue because that would have been one trait of mine that he has; the hazel eyes make him more like Tim! If I hadn't carried him, I wouldn't believe he was my kid!!

Mason is saying a few words now. He says: hi, bye bye, dada, mama (only when he feels like it), doggie, kitty, and eyes.  He is working on "up" but he has only said it once. He also claps, waves, and puts his arms up!  

He is in such a fun stage right now. His newest pleasure is riding on the back of my bicycle. We bought a baby bike seat that mounts behind my seat. The seat is pretty much a shell around him and he is strapped in with a five-point harness. Mason LOVES to ride on the bike. He laughs and squeals as the wind tickles his face. I have to admit, he looks pretty cute in his little helmet!

Anyhow, I have taken some pictures that can be viewed at the following link. I will most likely post more pictures after the Thanksgiving holiday.

Have a great turkey day!!


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