Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The other day, I came to the realization that Mason is no longer a baby. He earned his "right of passage" as a toddler when he learned to emphatically say the word, "NO!" I was feeding him breakfast and when I asked him, "one more bite?" he turned his nose in the air and forcefully said "No!" ... at that moment, Mason's baby life flashed before my eyes ... his first day home from the hospital, his first bath, the first time he rolled over, the first time he slept through the night ... all those lovely moments ... in the past, tucked away in our memories ... we now have a little person who is learning his independence and is interested in testing his boundaries.  It's funny, I see more of myself in him now that he is getting older and is starting to display stubbornness and independence. 

The month of January flew by and was filled with many happy days. We celebrated New Years at our house with a pajama party ... all the kids sacked out early and let the adults play games, drink and enjoy the overall splendor of the evening. 

Mason and I enjoyed a few trips this past month. We took a day trip to Tahoe with the Thorns family in early January. Mason and Stephen had a great time playing in the white fluff that covered the ground. Mason and I also went up to Chico and visited Mason's Great Grandparents, Jim and Rita. He learned how to say "Rita" during his visit and now makes a usual practice of saying, "Wee-ta, Wee-ta" on a regular basis. 
Our little man now has six teeth and is walking more regularly. Although he still scoots around on his knees (mostly when he sees mommy, daddy, or a grandparent), he is much better at walking around. Mason is talking .... a lot. He has quite the little vocabulary for a 16-month-old. He can be such a little chatter-box, if in the mood!

Anyhow, I have posted pictures that can be 
viewed at the following link:

I hope this finds you all doing well!
Jenn, Tim and Mason

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