Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Time is here!

Aghhhhh, December! Christmas time is one of my favorite parts of the year. We are extremely blessed this Christmas season with a happy, healthy little family. Makenna has made her mark on our lives and has enhanced our family beyond what words can describe .... what better Christmas present could we ask for?!

The last couple of weeks have been pretty low-key for us. Tim has officially started wrestling season so I have started my "single mommy" status. We have spent the majority of our days at home or in the company of family or close friends. As the days pass, I become more brave in managing both kiddos. My goal each day is to 1) get a shower, 2) get out of our PJ's, and 3) get out of the house in some fashion (weather permitting). Most days, I am successful; however, a lot of times my success rate depends on Mason's mood.

Makenna has turned out to be a pretty easy-going baby (so far). I am praying that she continues with the tempermant she has and that she doesn't develop colic. She is a good sleeper.
The first days we brought her home from the hospital were a little rough until we figured out that she prefers to sleep at a slight incline. We have her set up in a snuggle nest (an in-bed co-sleeper) that rests inside a rocking bassinet next to my side of the bed. Within her snuggle nest, I have laid a wedge pillow that props her up about 3 inches. With this set-up, she tends to sleep in 4-7 hour stretches.

Mason is doing great with his little sister! He has continued to give her kisses and has still displayed no jealousy towards her. He leaves her alone when she is sleeping and understands that he needs to be gentle when he is around her. He has proved to be a fabulous big brother!

Mason is such a funny kid ..... He is such a parrot and will repeat everything that is said around him; he often times repeats the same phrases over and over AND OVER again which, can prove to be very annoying! He loves his family and thinks his Uncles and Aunties are the best. Mason has started to say his prayers before bedtime and it melts my heart to hear his little voice say "Dear God" and "Amen" ....

We think Mason is getting closer to understanding who Santa Clause is. Besides the fact that he is terrified of him, he likes to sing "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" ... he thinks it is hillarious that Santa says, "Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas" and tries to mimic the saying ... only it comes out like "How How How ..Maaayy Kisss-mas!" We are very excited to see what his reaction will be to opening his presents under the tree.

I have posted pictures taken so far this month at the following link if you are interested:

I hope this finds you doing well and enjoying the spirit and blessings of the holiday season!
Merry Christmas!
Tim, Jenn, Mason and Makenna

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