Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A bib for a monkey

As I become increasingly large, I have adapted as the human race has done for thousands of years. Sadly, my adaptation has taken me a step backwards in the evolutionary process. I have learned to become increasingly proficient in using my toes. Instead of bending over to pick up things that I have dropped, I now grip the key ring, pencil, piece of paper, etc .. with my toes and bring the object up to hands reach. Tim is quite impressed with my ability to turn the water spickett on and off with my toes so I may continue to water my plants in the back yard. I must say, I too am proud of my inventiveness as I now rarely have to squat like a sumo wrestler to pick things up. Instead of mimicking the movements of a sumo wrestler, I now use my feet like a monkey.... I like that analogy, monkeys are much more agile and not nearly as fat.

So you are probably wondering what the bib comment was about? All women who are mothers know to what I am referring...and no it is not in reference to their little rug rats. My belly has created a shelf that catches all food that somehow falls out of my mouth. No, I am not wearing a pendant necklace in this picture. Although you can barely see it, you are witnessing my latest accessory ... Thai peanut sauce!! Its all the rage! Sadly, I can rarely eat a meal without spilling something on my protruding belly because I have also developed a hole in my lip. All I can say is "thank goodness for the Tide pen!" People with kids and women who are pregnant should vote to give the inventor of the Tide pen the Nobel Prize!!

In other interesting news, my due date was changed once again ... sigh! It is now September 17th. HA! Suckers! I was right ... many of you who know me well, know that I LOVE being right!

Tim and I are working to finish up the nursery. My mom has been assigned many sewing projects to keep her busy ... quilt, curtains, crib skirt, and a rocking chair pad. I think it will come together nicely as time permits .... once it is in some type of order, I will be sure to post a picture.

Well, that is all for now. I need to go throw my peanut sauce shirt in the wash ... that is, unless I want another painting shirt!! I hope you all are doing well in your endeavors!


Jenn (a.k.a. the Monkey that needs a bib)

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