Thursday, July 5, 2007

montage of happenings ...

Another couple of weeks have gone by and Tim and I have been through additional pregnancy adventures! We had a shower, a 3D/4D ultrasound, and a prenatal appointment since my last post.

The shower was wonderful! I was able to visit with family from near and far. Tim and I received many treasures that will greatly help us in providing for our little peanut. While the ladies got together at my mom's house, Tim and the guys had their "male bonding" day out water skiing on the river.

The 3D/4D ultrasound was an interesting experience to say the least! We arrived at the clinic in the middle of the afternoon which, is one of peanut's active times during the day. The technitian started by capturing an image in the traditional ultrasound (2D) image - he then converted the image to 3D which allowed us to see a pituresque version of our peanut's face. The images captured were distored in various ways ... for one, the little man is completely smashed in a very small, tight space! My placenta was cozied up to the side of his face like his favorite little blankie and the umbilical cord covered part of his mouth. We were able to hear the heart beat, capture an image of his face, and of course, check out his junk down below. I will be sure to include SOME of the photos on the blog once I am able to scan and upload them (no junk pics). I was going to wait to post the 3D/4D experience until I had the photos uploaded and ready to go; however, I felt it important to share the following news:

For the past three weeks (or so) I have had a lump in my groin area that has been quite uncomfortable. At times, the pain would be mild and could only be felt once I stood after a long period of sitting. Most nights, the swelling would subside in my sleep and be all but gone (besides some tenderness in the area) in the morning. However, after about 15 or 20 minutes of standing, the swelling and discomfort would return. In the past week, the discomfort has increased enough for me to address my concern with my Doc at today's prenatal appointmet.

Well, it turns out I have a hernia! Unfortunatly, there isn't really anything that can be done at this point as the condition needs to be surgically remedied. Unless my condition becomes serious, they will not fix it until after the baby is born. What does this mean for me right now, you may ask? Well, as long as it remains the same (swelling continuing to subside at night - meaning the intestine sucking back in where it belongs) I can get by on a modified work schedule, no more walking for excercize and plenty of time sitting on my duffer. However, if my condition worsens (as it may with additional weight gain) I may be required to be on bed rest and to have a C-section delivery :( The doctor said that my current condition does not jeapordize the baby - the only element for now is my discomfort. The Doc said that I probably have had this condition all along but it has most likely been aggrivated with the pregnancy weight gain.

Soooo, it sucks that I have a hernia, but I am glad to know what the swelling is from and that the baby is fine! I tell you, nothing is more scary than the unknown! Anyhow, I wil keep you all posted as to what developes! For all of you that pray, I could use the prayers - for all of you that "think" I can use your thoughts!!

I hope this finds everyone doing well!


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