Friday, January 18, 2008


I can't believe how fast our little pork chop is growing! He has started teething!! He is a little drool-monkey and soaks through at least two bibs each day. He has been fussy and restless a couple of nights (waking every three hours much to my disdain), but has overall been happy. In my last post, I indicated that Mason was suffering from a cold when it was actually the beginning of his teething .... he doesn't really have a tooth, but rather a "bud" in his gums ... nevertheless, he still drools all over the place ... its a good thing he is cute!

I started back at work last week (temporarily). I have enjoyed my immersion back into the work place and have been glad to see and talk to my co-workers and customers. Adult conversation is always appreciated after spending prolonged periods of time with a little one....I believe working part time will be a good arrangement for me as it will help keep my brain sharp! I will miss my work as I have grown fond of my friends in my work environment.

The one good thing about going back to work is that it makes me more grateful for the time I have at home with Mason. Either way I slice the cheese, I am able to spend at least every other day with my little man .... so if I am having a trying time, I can revel in the fact that I will spend all of the following day with him! I have been fortunate in that I have had no mental melt downs and have had no problem pumping at work ...

Tim and I are incredibly lucky for our child care arrangements while I am back at work. Marge (Tim's mom) watches Mason on Monday, we have an in-home day care that takes him on Wednesday, and my mother watches him on Friday. We also have Liz (my sister-in-law) on babysitter standby in case one of the current sitters has a conflict. I am hopeful that once my stint at County Bank is over, that I will be able to find work that compliments my ogh-so-fabulous care arrangements!

Ogh yeah! I almost forgot to mention that Mason is ALMOST able to roll over!!! He rolls on to his side, but his arm is getting in the way of his completely rolling over. Honestly, I am grateful for the inhibiting arm - I don't think I am ready for him to already be at that stage! The little fart will be crawling before we know it! His neck is getting quite strong and he was able to spend some time in his Bumbo chair (rubber chair that helps infants learn to sit upright) the other day.

Anyhow, I have a few pictures and some video .... you can view pictures at the following link:

I hope you all are doing well!
Jenn, Tim, Mason, Nahla, Fez, and Hells-Bells ......

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