Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ouch!! part II

Mason went to the doctor the other day for his 4 month well-baby check-up. He did very well despite recieving his second round of innoculations. He is a wopping 16.8 pounds and is in the the 74th percentile for weight, the 72nd percentile for height, and the 93rd percentile for head circumphrance! Tim thinks his head is large because he is going to be so smart!! Honestly, his head looks just fine - you can't really tell it is an orange on a toothpick! Mason was pretty fussy for two days after his shots, but he is back to normal now!

On a WONDERFUL note, Mason has consistently slept through the night for the past 12 days or so. Tim and I are both hopeful this trend will last. It is very nice that he is sleeping longer now that I am working!

Mason is still working on the rolling over business. He is ALMOST there! He has started grabbing his feet while he lays on his back ... its pretty cute. The other day while on the changing table, he hauled off and let out a big ol' fart while grabbing his feet. His daddy would have been SOOOO proud of his boy had he been there to witness his little musical toot. Mason definitely fits into the family when it comes to passing gas ... he is so very stinky that it practically burns the hair out of my nose when he farts!

Anyhow, all is well in our little household! Mason continues to amaze us on a daily basis and we feel incredibly blessed to have him!

We hope this finds you well!
Jenn, Tim, Mason, Nahla, Fez and Bells

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