Thursday, March 13, 2008


Hello from the Brown household!! Things have been going well in our little realm. Tim is done with wrestling season (yeah!) and life is pretty much getting back to normal for us. I have another five weeks at the bank and am now dedicated to finding a new job. The reality of unemployment has hit home!!

Mason is doing great! He has started eating solid foods (and by solid, I mean soupy rice-cereal) and is doing very well. I knew it was time to begin solids when he downed a 10 oz bottle and was still hungry! ... that, and the fact that he would lick his high chair tray and stare at us while we ate dinner!

At first, Mason didn't really know what to make of the texture of the "solid food" cereal. He would work his little tongue and spit out the cereal all over his chin ... eventually he got the hang of it and now opens his mouth like a little bird when he sees the spoon approaching. ... he still makes a huge mess even though most of the food ends up in his belly.

Mason has still been sleeping through the night. He is usually exhausted by the end of the day as he spends a lot of his time bouncing in his excersaucer, playing on the floor gym, and people watching. My daycare provider (on Wednesdays) says that he will only nap when the "big kids" nap ... otherwise, there is simply too much for him to see!

Tim and I are VERY excited as we are approaching new Auntie and Uncle status with the pending birth of Connor Joseph, Scott and Liz's baby (Scott is Tim's twin). I have been helping Scott and Liz paint a mural in their nursery of an underwater sea-scape and a beach scene with palm trees and a sand castle. The room is really turning out well and I wish it was Mason's room! I am having so much fun doing the painting that I wish I could some how capitalize and make my painting efforts into a side business! I will definitely post pictures of the end result as I am rather proud of how it is coming along!

My good friend Kelly is also nearing her due date for the arrival of her son, Luke Thomas! I have been playing soccer with Kelly since we were 5 years old and it is a blessing to have a longtime friendship where we can see our lives come full circle ... in a couple of years our little ones will hopefully be playing soccer together!

Well, Mason is napping and I am still in my PJ's at 11am ... I guess it would be an opportune time for me to quit typing and get myself ready for the day (even though it is half over)!

Mason has his 6 MONTH appointment next week so I am sure I will post after I receive his new stats!

I hope this finds you all doing GREAT! Enjoy the Spring!


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