Happy Easter!!
I hope everyone had a nice Easter! Mason had his 6 month appointment last Thursday. He weighed a wopping 19 pounds, 2 ounces! He is our little BEEF CAKE!! He still has a large head that falls somewhere in the 90th percentile range. He is in the 60 percentile range for both weight and height. Mason received another
round of shots and although he was pissed when the shots were received, he was back to normal the next day. Both Tim and I were able to attend the appointment together ... I am glad Tim was there to hold Mason down while he received his shots ... I had the "cushie" job of scooping him up and comforting him afterwards! We are going to work with him a little more in helping him sit up and roll over. He is not doing those activities on his own just yet. All-in-all, our boy is doing great and is within normal ranges of where he should be!!
Our Easter was nice. We went up to Chico and had brunch with the family at the Country Club. Once again, Mason was the hit of the party ... that is, after he woke up. He fell asleep on our way up to Chico and stayed asleep through most of our brunch!! I eventually had to wake him up! It was a really nice visit and the day couldn't have been more perfect!
I finished off the day by introducing something other than rice cereal into Mason's diet. I cooked up some potato, mashed it through a strainer and mixed it with some water and formula ... soungs appealing, right ?! Yeah, Mason didn't think so ... he looked like he was going to gag it back up! I wish I had the camera ready for that one. I think I will keep it close as I begin to introduce new foods. I think I am going to abandon the potato for tomorro night and switch to something more palatable like banannas .... lets hope for the best! Anyhow, I have included a link below for a few pictures taken recently:http://adobe.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=60cie9o.ax4oss0g&x=0&y=-nctcri&localeid=en_USI hope you are all doing well!Love,Jenn
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