Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bees aren't the only ones with hives!

Many forms of media attempt to educate a newly-pregnant woman about the changes her body will undergo during the course of pregnancy. Although I am new to the pregnancy thing, I can already attest the "change factor" is a FACT!
This past week, I had an allergic reaction to something that caused me to break out into a serious case of hives! You think you ever had a mosquito bite? These hives resemble a welt-like mosquito bite .... like I was stripped down buck-naked and left for the eagle-sized mosquitoes of the amazon! Yes, laugh if you must ... it was quite a spectacle! However, on Thursday when I woke up, the hives had spread over much of my body and one of my eyes was swelled half-shut like Quasimodo! Luckily, I already had an appointment scheduled for these pesky hives to be examined. The doctor was able to put me on a round of steroids (that are safe for the baby, of course) that has caused my skin to slowly turn back to something more resembling a human.
I have to say, the rest for the last few days has been somewhat refreshing - the doctor took me off work Thursday and Friday and I have been zonked out most of that time from the antihistamine prescribed. Maybe that is why I woke up with Tim at 4:30am and have been unable to return to slumber-land. "Sleep while you can!!" the seasoned mothers exclaim! Well, I am trying :0)
Until the next saga of Timandjennspeanut!
Signing off -
Jenn (formerly known as Quasimodo)

1 comment:

Our Growing Family said...

Jenny! Congrats on the peanut!! These next couple of months will be wild! Enjoy and you'll be glad of the chronicles if you keep up with them!!
