Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Yawn ...

Word of the day? Exhaustion. (noun) - 1. extreme fatigue, 2. serious weakening and loss of energy [syn: debilitation], 3. the act of exhausting something entirely.

Although exhaustion is the word of the day, it is the word that best describes the past two months of my life. I feel like a 5-year-old child in that I want to curl up with my blankie and pillow and call it a day! I did, however, have a freakish spurt of energy on Saturday! It was fabulous. I enjoyed some normal outdoor activity of cleaning up dog stinkies, weeding, and pruning! Honestly, I think I was solar-powered that day as it was sunny and in the 80's.

Life has been pretty decent as of late. It has yet to be determined what caused my hives. The doctor ordered blood tests as she thought it may have been a dairy or wheat allergy. However, I have been joyously eating my (and the world's) portion of milk, pudding, and cheese since the incident with out any reaction! My next appointment is on March 5th where I will find out a little more what the Dr. has to say about my test results. Honestly, I just think it was a freakish reaction to growing a little alien inside my body. My next appointment will also yield (hopefully) a due date and a better ultrasound picture of the little peanut.

Well, I probably won't have anything significant to contribute until after my next appointment! I hope everyone is doing great!


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