Sunday, July 15, 2007

Its raining, its pouring ..

Well, you all know that saying ... when it rains, it pours! So the hernia ... that condition is pretty static for now. I have been working a modified schedule (5 hours a day) which seems to keep the discomfort at a manageable level. I feel very grateful to work for an employer that can accommodate me with reduced hours ... hallelujah!

Ok, so the next thing to come down the health-related pipeline ......Two weeks ago I went in to take a standard glucose test that all pregnant ladies take around 26-30 weeks. The purpose of the test is to see how efficiently a pregnant body processes sugar and how much glucose is left in the blood stream for the baby to use.... basically, I get to drink a concoction that tastes like a flat Sierra Mist and have my blood drawn one hour after drinking my little cocktail. The lab then determines if my levels are too high which could point towards a condition known as gestational diabetes. Well, apparently there was too much glucose in my blood stream after the one hour so I had to go back for a three hour test this past Thursday. The three hour test monitors the blood levels over a longer period of time, which helps determine if there truly is a problem or if the previous test was erroneous.

The three hour test required me to fast (a total of 12 hours without sustenance) and have my blood drawn four times. Needless to say, it is a bad idea to withhold food from a pregnant lady (especially one that MUST have breakfast to function) and I was not a happy camper in being poked by the sado-masochist ...err, phlebotomist several times. Needless to say, it was not a very pleasant experience and I had to keep reminding myself that it wasn't the receptionist's fault that I didn't get to eat my breakfast that morning! Anyhow, I am still awaiting the results of my three hour test and will be sure to keep ya'll in the loop once I find out.

You may wonder: What happens if it comes back positive and I do have gestational diabetes? Well, the condition allows the baby to get fatter, quicker ... from what I understand, the major impact is that I may need to have labor induced early depending on how bit the baby gets. I am hoping it comes back normal and that everything is Jim-Dandy!

On an other note, the nursery is coming along! Fezzik has claimed the nursery as his ... he is the king of the rocking chair and owner of the area rug as can be told by his fur left behind! We have sooooooo much stuff piled in there that still needs to find a home ... I have no idea how we are going to make room for it all! Thank you to all of those that have helped us in "stocking up" for our little peanut! We can't wait for his arrival and we can't wait for all of you to meet him!

We hope this finds each of you doing well!
Jenn, Tim, Peanut, Nahla, Fez, and Bella ......

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