Monday, October 22, 2007

Our little weed ....

Mason is almost 6 weeks old and I can't believe how fast he is growing! He has started to smile and definitely has taken on a personality of his own (is the middle finger attitude?). Each day, Mason continues to amaze me. It is really awesome how much his presence has changed our life. Yes, I can say that having a child has been one of the biggest challenges I have faced. Competitive and collegiate soccer is a cake-walk compared to the physical demands of raising an infant. Although Mason has been my greatest challenge, he is also my greatest accomplishment. I look at him every day and think, "geeze, he belongs to me (and Tim, of course)!"

Just tonight, Tim was holding Mason on the couch and Mason was studying Tim's face intently. I peeked over Tim's shoulder and said, "Hi Mason!" and he gave us both a HUGE smile! I honestly think it was the first time he recognized both Tim and I as being ourselves. I think he primarily smiles at me because he thinks, "ogh, good ... here comes my snack!"

Both Tim and I are doing well. Although Mason is not sleeping more than 2 1/2 - 3 hours at a time during the night, we have adjusted a little better to our reduced hours of sleep. During the week, I get up with Mason at night to feed and change his diaper. I have to be up to feed him anyway and it just doesn't make sense for us both to have our sleep interrupted! However, on the weekend, interrupted sleep is fair game and Tim tag-teams by changing his diaper so I don't have to get out of bed. Gooo team, yeah!

Many of you know that Tim is the head wrestling coach at Union Mine High School. We are fast approaching wrestling season which means that I will soon be a "wrestling widow" and a single parent! Our transition to wrestling season will be manageable for me but will become increasingly difficult when I go back to work in January. Luckily, Tim and I have a tremendous amount of support in family and friends who will help us get through the difficult months ahead ....
I am slowly getting back into shape. I have begun playing soccer regularly on Wednesday nights. Although I still "jog and dog" during the game, I have noticed a significant improvement since my first game. I try and get my kiester to the gym as much as I can, but am unable to attend regularly as the gym daycare will not take Mason until he is 3 months old. I went shopping today in my mom's closet and was able to score some new clothes. My mom has been on Weight Watchers and prides herself in being a smaller size than I ... however, this works great for me as I was able to reap the benefit of her now-too-large clothes as I transition from maternity back to my (hopefully) pre-pregnancy size!

Tim and I continue to take Mason on outings, but we are careful to not expose him to too much as he will not receive his inoculations until next Month. Mason had his first visit to the pumpkin patch last weekend with Trish and Tegan (Jarv's fiance' and daughter). Both Trish and Tegan were visiting all the way from Australia! We will also be taking him to two Halloween parties this Wednesday ... we have to show-off his little pumpkin costume. I have to dress him up as a pumpkin because he IS my pumpkin!!

Anyhow, I have included a link to some more pictures. Now that Mason is awake for longer periods of the day, it will be more likely that I capture pictures of him doing more than sleeping! There are also a few videos at the end of this post.

I hope this finds each of you doing GREAT!

Jenn, Tim and Mason

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