Thursday, October 11, 2007

stupid? .... you be the judge

Cooking and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow,
But babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So go away, cobwebs and dust, go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, for babies don't keep. - Erina Parks

Although the dust jackalopes are invading our hallways and the toilets remained uncleaned, our little household is as happy as can be! Can you believe it?? Mason is already three weeks old!! Our little man has changed so much! He has already moved into the next size diapers and he is growing out of his little clothes faster than I would like to admit!

I have included some pictures here on the blog as well as some video .... Mason is SOOO much like his daddy: he already has man cleavage, and he sleeps in the same position! He is very mouthy and likes to stick his tongue out and make silly faces (daddy trait??).

We took a trip up to Chico this past Sunday for Mason to meet his great grandparents and extended family. My Grandpa Jim and Grandma Rita were ecstatic to meet their first great grandson (sorry, Rudy James is two weeks behind the eight ball on that one!). Mason also was able to meet his great uncles, Jim and Mike, great aunt Dorothy, and cousins Kim and Jamie! It was a very nice trip and it reminded us how fortunate we are to have a wonderful family.

So what was the whole stupid title about you may ask?

Tim plays on a Wednesday night co-ed indoor soccer team. The manager of the team put me on the roster so I could play once I was ready to return.

Well last night, I got a burr up my butt and decided that I really, really wanted to play soccer .... so I did! Three weeks postpartum and there I was out on the field! I felt like I had led weights in my shoes! I thought I was going to trip and "sniper out" on every step that I took! I couldn't pass the ball worth a darn, but it sure felt good to get out there! Surprisingly, I don't feel like a lump on the log today! So, was that a stupid move on my part to return to soccer so early after giving birth to Mason? I dunno, you be the judge!

We hope you all are doing well! Mason's next appointment isn't until November, but we will be sure to post updated pictures as they trickle in! Check out the videos below if you have time! They are approximately one minute each!


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