Monday, August 6, 2007

last date (for a while) ....

Well, this note comes to you on a VERY full stomach (in more ways than one)! Tim and I just got back from one of our last date nights for a while. We went out and saw the new Harry Potter movie and then enjoyed a scrumptious dinner at our favorite restaurant, Scott's Seafood. We topped off our little evening with a single scoop of Baskin Robbins ice cream. Auuuggghhhh, it just tastes good re-living the last two hours!

The other full tummy part ... comes from being 35 weeks pregnant!! No stretch marks yet (knock on wood) ... Holy s&%$ - there are only 5 more weeks to go! I have a feeling that these last five weeks are going to go very fast. Tim and I are anticipating the arrival of our little peanut, but are enjoying the sleep while we still can. We are still working on the nursery - it is coming along slowly, but surely.

We just finished a 4-day camping trip to Loon Lake with the Browns which, was nice. It was refreshing to "get out of Dodge." Although I spent my time parking my derriere in a camp chair, or in David and Marge's 5th wheel trailer, I truly enjoyed the "last hoorah" away from home for a great while. I was fortunate enough to sleep in the 5th wheel, which is equipped with a flush toilet ... this was a vital part of my happiness for the trip due to my current nocturnal pee pee habits (twice, most likely three times a night). I also was still able to enjoy my cereal and milk each day! What a life! Nahla accompanied us and was truly filthy when she came home. She still has some pitch on her fur even though she has had two shampoos since arriving back home.

Hernia update: it sucks more than it did before. I find myself needing to lay on my side more often to alleviate the pain. So far, so good on having a normal delivery however. At my last appointment, the nurse practitioner said that I can try for a normal delivery as long as things don't change for the worse. On a good point, I only gained three pounds since my last appointment! Ya-hoo! I have kicked-up my swimming and feel great for doing so. The little peanut is more active than ever - I mostly feel his little foot move around under my right boob .. he apparently, likes being close to that spot. He is truly a boy!

Other than having trouble wiping my own butt and needing Tim's help to wash my feet, things are hunky-dory!

Signing off for now ....
The Mother Ship

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